Fundamentals of Clinical Supervision Janine Bernard / Rodney Goodyear 5th PNIE 9781292042077
TITLE : Fundamentals of Clinical Supervision Janine Bernard / Rodney Goodyear
ISBN13 : 9781292042077
The standard for clinical supervision. Fundamentals of Clinical Supervision, 5/e offers a comprehensive, interdisciplinary presentation that makes it the most highly cited publication in the field. Addressing essential topics for supervisors, it has earned a reputation as an authoritative resource for anyone seeking certification as an Approved Clinical Supervisor. Emphasizing central themes from a variety of mental health professions, the book covers supervision models, supervision modalities, administrative issues and professional concerns. This Fifth Edition covers the latest research, more on second-generation models of supervision, a new section on triadic supervision, and the latest on technology. Its one-of-a-kind supervision toolkit, scholarly approach, and topic coverage sets the book apart.
Table of contents
PART I Introduction and General Approaches to Supervision 1
CHAPTER 1 Introduction to Clinical Supervision 2
CHAPTER 2 Supervision Models 21
PART II Dimensions of the Supervision Relationship 63
CHAPTER 3 Processes and Issues of the Supervisory Triad and Dyad 64
CHAPTER 4 Supervisee and Supervisor Factors Affecting the
Relationship 86
CHAPTER 5 Multicultural Supervision 107
PART III The Delivery of Clinical Supervision 131
CHAPTER 6 Organizing the Supervision Experience 132
CHAPTER 7 Individual Supervision 153
CHAPTER 8 Group Supervision 180
CHAPTER 9 Live Supervision 200
PART IV Professional Responsibilities of Clinical Supervisors 221
CHAPTER 10 Evaluation 222
CHAPTER 11 Ethical and Legal Foundations for Supervision
Practice 252
PART V Promoting the Specialty of Clinical Supervision Through
Training and Research 281
CHAPTER 12 Teaching and Researching Supervision 282
The Supervisor's Toolbox 304
References 358
Name Index
Subject Index