Computer Organization and Architecture 11th GE - William Stallings 9781292420103
TITLE : Computer Organization and Architecture: Designing for Performance - William Stallings
ISBN13 : 9781292420103
For graduate and undergraduate courses in computer science, computer engineering, and electrical engineering. Comprehensively covers processor and computer design fundamentals Computer Organization and Architecture, 11th Edition is about the structure and function of computers. Its purpose is to present, as clearly and completely as possible, the nature and characteristics of modern-day computer systems. Written in a clear, concise, and engaging style, author William Stallings provides a thorough discussion of the fundamentals of computer organization and architecture and relates these to contemporary design issues. Subjects such as I/O functions and structures, RISC, and parallel processors are thoroughly explored alongside real-world examples that enhance the text and build student interest. Incorporating brand-new material and strengthened pedagogy, the 11th Edition keeps students up to date with recent innovations and improvements in the field of computer organization and architecture.
Table of Content
I. Introduction
1. Basic Concepts and Computer Evolution
2. Performance Concepts
II. The Computer System
3. A Top-Level View of Computer Function and Interconnection
4. The Memory Hierarchy: Locality and Performance
5. Cache Memory
6. Internal Memory
7. External Memory
8. Input/Output
9. Operating System Support
III. Arithmetic and Logic
10. Number Systems
11. Computer Arithmetic
12. Digital Logic
IV. Instruction Sets and Assembly Language
13. Instruction Sets: Characteristics and Functions
14. Instruction Sets: Addressing Modes and Formats
15. Assembly Language and Related Topics
V. The Central Processing Unit
16. Processor Structure and Function
17. Reduced Instruction Set Computers
18. Instruction-Level Parallelism and Superscalar Processors
19. Control Unit Operation and Microprogrammed Control
VI. Parallel Organization
20. Parallel Processing
21. Multicore Computers