Clinical Interviewing John Sommers-Flanagan 6E 9781119215585
TITLE : Clinical Interviewing John Sommers-Flanagan / Rita Sommers-Flanagan
ISBN13 : 9781119215585
Fully updated guide to proven, practical strategies for conducting effective interviews - including access code to online videos Clinical Interviewing is the essential guide to conducting initial interviews, suicide assessment, mental status examinations, and psychotherapy skill development. The Sixth Edition includes: * Updates focusing on latest trends in clinical interviewing research and practice * Updated information on technology-based interviewing * Access to over 70 videos that show the authors discussing and demonstrating crucial interviewing techniques * Online instructor s manual and resources to facilitate teaching * Fresh case examples to help apply interviewing skills and concepts * New coverage of special populations and multicultural considerations * Expanded skills coverage to help facilitate client insight and action This new edition also includes a unique Registration Code to access the Wiley Interactive E-Text (Powered by VitalSource), enhanced with dynamic content, including instructional videos and practice questions to further enrich student learning. It provides uninterrupted, mobile access anywhere, anytime.
Part One: Foundations of Clinical Interviewing
Chapter 1: An Introduction to The Clinical Interview
Chapter 2: Preparation
Chapter 3: An Overview of the Interview Process
Part Two: Listening and Relationship Development
Chapter 4: Nondirective Listening Skills
Chapter 5: Directive Listening Skills
Chapter 6: Skills for Directing Clients Toward Action
Chapter 7: Evidence-Based Relationships
Part Three: Structuring and Assessment
Chapter 8: Intake Interviewing and Report Writing
Chapter 9: The Mental Status Examination
Chapter 10: Suicide Assessment
Chapter 11: Diagnosis and Treatment Planning
Part Four: Special Populations and Situations
Chapter 12: Challenging Clients and Demanding Situations
Chapter 13: Interviewing Young Clients
Chapter 14: Interviewing Couples and Families
Chapter 15: Electronic and Telephonic Interviewing
Appendix: Extended Mental Status Examination Interview Protocol 579