Operations and Supply Chain Management 16th ISE Robert Jacobs / Richard Chase 9781260575941
TITLE : Operations and Supply Chain Management Robert Jacobs / Richard Chase
ISBN13 : 9781260575941
Operations and Supply Chain Management, 16e is a comprehensive breadth of Operations Management and Supply Chain, with a moderate emphasis on quantitative coverage. It covers relevant and current Operations Management issues with a focus on economic and global economy, analytics content that ties decisions to relevant data using math models, and appropriate strategies to solve real world problems. This sixteenth edition demonstrates what companies are doing to create a competitive advantage in the marketplace and also provides students with a set of more applicable skills and tools. Hot topics in business today that relate to operations and supply chain management are reducing the cost of supply chain processes, integration and collaboration with customers and suppliers, sustainability, and minimizing the long-term cost of products and processes. These hot topics are studied in the book to clarify the "big picture" -- What these topics are and why they are important to business today.
Table of contents
Ch. 1 Introduction
Ch. 2 Strategy
Ch. 3 Design of Products and Services
Ch. 4 Projects
Ch. 5 Strategic Capacity Management
5S Investment Analysis
Ch. 6 Learning Curves
Section Two: Manufacturing and Service Processes
Ch. 7 Manufacturing Processes
7S Manufacturing Technology
Ch. 8 Facility Layout
Ch. 9 Service Processes
9S Health Care
Ch. 10 Waiting Line Analysis and Simulation
Ch. 11 Process Design and Analysis
11S Operations Consulting
Ch. 12 Six Sigma Quality
Ch. 13 Statistical Quality Control
Section Three: Supply Chain Processes
Ch. 14 Lean Supply Chains
Ch. 15 Logistics, Distribution, and Transportation
Ch. 16 Global Sourcing and Procurement
Section Four: Supply and Demand Planning and Control
Ch. 17 The Internet of Things and ERP
Ch. 18 Forecasting
Ch. 19 Sales and Operations Planning
19S Linear Programming Using the Excel Solver
Ch. 20 Inventory Management
Ch. 21 Material Requirements Planning
Ch. 22 Work center Scheduling
22S Theory of Constraints
A Interest Tables
B Negative Exponential Distribution: Values of E-X
C Areas of the Cumulative Standard Normal Distribution
D Uniformly Distributed Random Digits
E Answers to Selected Objective