MECHATRONICS 7E - W BOLTON 9781292250977
TITLE :MECHATRONICS 7E - Electronic Control Systems in Mechanical & Electrical Engineering - W BOLTON
ISBN13 : 9781292250977
The integration of electronic engineering, mechanical engineering, control and computer engineering – Mechatronics – lies at the heart of the innumerable gadgets, processes and technology without which modern life would seem impossible. From auto-focus cameras to car engine management systems, and from state-of-the-art robots to the humble washing machine, Mechatronics has a hand in them all.
This book will:
- aid acquisition of the broad mix of skills in mechanical engineering, electronics and computing necessary to comprehend and design mechatronics systems.
- improve the interdisciplinary communication necessary to operate successfully in mechatronics.
- contribute to an increased capability in the design of mechatronic systems
This 7th edition has been updated throughout with new sections and examples throughout:
- Updated coverage of mechatronic system components, including extended coverage of encoders, position sensitive detectors and force sensitive resistors
- New material on Atmega microcontrollers including applications and programming examples
- Topical discussion and examples of fuzzy logic and neural control systems
Applications and case studies have been revised across the book, with fascinating examples including automated guided vehicles, artificial hands, fuzzy logic washing machines, to help you to gain a modern and practical understanding