Human Resource Management 13th ISE Raymond Noe / John Hollenbeck 9781265064013
TITLE : Human Resource Management: Gaining A Competitive Advantage - Raymond Noe / John Hollenbeck / Barry Gerhart / Patrick Wrigh
ISBN13 : 9781265064013
Human Resource Management: Gaining a Competitive Advantage 13e offers comprehensive coverage of HRM concepts that teach students how to strategically overcome challenges and gain competitive advantage in the workplace.
Based on the authors' diverse research, teaching and consulting experiences, this product has incredibly strong depth and breadth that is current in research and practice simply not found in other texts.
Noe Human Resource Management is also available through our Connect learning platform along with a host o supplementary resources for both instructors and students. We're delighted to announce that as of July 2022 this also includes a 'European Companion Connect' - a selection of brand new full and mini-case studies with amore international perspective, making them more relevant for instructors outside of North America.
With 4 full and 8 mini cases studies from a variety of small enterprises, large companies and Human Resource consultancies, topics covered include performance-related pay, employee turnover, compensation structure, recruitment and development and growing areas such as Human Capital Analytics, Green HRM and sustainability, and the 4-dayweek.
All of the new case studies come with assignable multiple-choice questions and teaching notes.
Table of contents
PART 1: The Human Resource Environment
Chapter 2: Strategic Human Resource Management
Chapter 3: The Legal Environment: Equal Employment Opportunity and Safety
Chapter 4: The Analysis and Design of Work
PART 2: Acquisition and Preparation of Human Resources
Chapter 5: Human Resource Planning and Recruitment
Chapter 6: Selection and Placement
Chapter 7: Training
PART 3: Assessment and Development of Human Resources
Chapter 8: Performance Management
Chapter 9: Employee Development
Chapter 10: Employee Separation and Retention
PART 4: Compensation of Human Resources
Chapter 11: Pay Structure Decisions
Chapter 12: Recognizing Employee Contributions with Pay
Chapter 13: Employee Benefits
PART 5: Special Topics in Human Resource Management
Chapter 14: Collective Bargaining and Labor Relations
Chapter 15: Managing Human Resources Globally
Chapter 16: Strategically Managing the HRM Function