Technopreneurship Azahari Jamaludin 9789834719661
TITLE : Technopreneurship Azahari Jamaludin
ISBN13 : 9789834719661
This textbook is written for undergraduate and graduate students in Universiti Kuala Lumpur. It aims to provide students with an understanding of the theories, practices and importance of technopreneurship. It emphasizes on technopreneurship as an imperative process that affects not only the performance, but also the future of organizations. This textbook contains 15 chapters and covers a range of technopreneurial topics including overview and evolution of entrepreneurship, business environment, business opportunities through creative and innovative ideas, building your own start-up technology venture, business models, business plan and marketing strategy for technology ventures, intellectual property development, financing and venture capital, venture growth and networking, business ethics and corporate social responsibility. This insightful second edition has been revised and updated in line with the latest developments in the field. It serves as an important textbook for students as it provides not only helpful explanation and information on technopreneurial processes, but also offers practical tools and techniques that are useful in running a business venture smoothly and successfully. Local examples on current topics and business plans have been added to further assist students in mastering this subject.