PSYCHOLOGY - Themes and Variations 10E AE - WAYNE WEITEN 9789814846417
TITLE : PSYCHOLOGY - Themes and Variations - WAYNE WEITEN
ISBN13 :9789814846417
PSYCHOLOGY: THEMES AND VARIATIONS, 10th Edition, is a fusion of the full-length and briefer versions that preceded it. The text continues to offer a superb thematic organization together with practical applications and examples that help students see beyond research to big-picture concepts. Often described as a challenging book that is easy to learn from, the book surveys psychology's broad range of content with three aims: to illuminate the process of research and its relationship to application, to show both the unity and diversity of psychology's subject matter, and to help students master the basic concepts and principles of psychology with as little struggle as possible. Weiten's themes provide unifying threads across chapters that help students to see the connections among different research areas in psychology. A dynamic, teaching-oriented illustration program -- including new color-coded Concept Charts -- further enhances these themes.
Table of Contents
1. The Evolution of Psychology.
2. The Research Enterprise in Psychology.
3. The Biological Bases of Behavior.
4. Sensation and Perception.
5. Variations in Consciousness.
6. Learning.
7. Human Memory.
8. Cognition and Intelligence.
9. Motivation and Emotion.
10. Human Development Across the Life Span.
11. Personality.
12. Social Behavior.
13. Stress, Coping, and Health.
14. Psychological Disorders.
15. Treatment of Psychological Disorders.
Appendix A: Answers to Concept Checks.
Appendix B: Statistical Methods.
Appendix C: Sustainability